Tableau Connector for Zendesk Is Live

Chief Executive Officer in Alpha Serve
Published: September 9, 2022
Last Updated: April 26, 2024
Alpha Serve is happy to announce that we have just released our second BI Connector for Zendesk Support - Tableau Connector for Zendesk!

The app is now live on the Zendesk Marketplace with a free 14-day trial.
Tableau Connector for Zendesk Is Live

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What is Tableau Desktop?

Tableau Zendesk Connector by Alpha Serve
Tableau Desktop offers everything the users may need to access, visualize, and analyze their data from various sources. It is pretty easy to start using Tableau thanks to its intuitive “drag and drop” interface. In addition, it is a secure self-service environment for your trusted and governed data.

During a decade Tableau has been named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms (2022). Customers from all over the world gain benefit from data analysis with Tableau to solve their data problems properly.

Why Tableau Connector for Zendesk?

Why Tableau Connector for Zendesk?
Being a recognized multi-platform professional in BI Connectors development, we at Alpha Serve go on to better meet all the customer demands in smart Zendesk BI integrations.

Having more than 400 active customers for our Tableau Connector for Jira, we have received their requests to connect other software to Tableau including Zendesk Tableau integration.

With Zendesk data knowledge and understanding of the best solution architecture for the BI Connectors, it was easier to deepen into the Zendesk ecosystem in order to develop, test and deploy the Tableau Connector for Zendesk to the Zendesk Marketplace.

Check out our newly released Power BI Connector for Zendesk on the Zendesk Marketplace.

Tableau Connector for Zendesk: Key Features

Tableau Connector for Zendesk: Key Features
Tableau Connector for Zendesk is one more enterprise-grade app from Alpha Serve that allows users to build a data visualization in Tableau based on Zendesk Support data.

The simple and comprehensive user interface is a basis for all BI Connectors from Alpha Serve, thus with Tableau Connector, the Zendesk data export is truly simple for anyone without coding skills.

Tableau Connector for Zendesk allows merging Zendesk with other data sources such as Jira, CRM, ERP, etc. in order to build professional corporate reporting across all business functions.

The app allows exporting any Zendesk Support data related to Tickets, Ticket Metrics, Agents & Users, Satisfaction Ratings, Comments, Organizations, etc to find the key to improving the way your company interacts with customers.

It is a seamless Zendesk Tableau integration with all the valuable features available:

  • Various Filtering Options allow to narrow the data selection and make precise and non-overloaded data exports;
  • Export of all Zendesk Support fields including Custom fields;
  • Secure Zendesk data sharing for reports with the permission and sharing settings available;
  • Scheduled refreshes for actual Zendesk reports in Tableau.

Start your free trial now!

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